Chasing 'A Passion for Angling' ~
'A Passion for Angling' was a series of six hour-long
episodes that was broadcast by the BBC sometime in the early 1990s. Written
by and starring the now-infamous trio of Bob James, Chris Yates and expert
photographer Hugh Miles it was arguably one of best pieces of television
ever to capture the true meaning of angling. In my opinion, no angling
programme has bettered it since (although John "Come on my son" Wilson
has done a proud job).
The first episode of the series is called
'Childhood Dreams', and shows one of our intrepid heroes (this time Bob
James) fishing a rather picturesque stretch of water known as Frensham
Small Pond. Quite widely known amongst anglers as being something of a
treasure trove for its carp and tench, this small pond (actually several
acres in size) is somewhat off the beaten track and is thankfully under
the protection of the National Trust, so its a nice place to visit for
a walk or to enjoy the relaxed atmosphere.
Bob James
is seen catching a golden rudd from this water before returning for a cheeky
lunchtime bottle of wine with Chris Yates under the shade of a silver birch
tree; meanwhile Bob's dogs Rapps and Chester watch his rod as a pair of
kingfishers fly in to inspect proceedings. It's all artistically shot by
Hugh and the location looks idyllic. The "pond" is surrounded by a series
of small pathways that provide access to a handful of fishing pegs. The
soil is sand based, with the shoreline almost like a beach on the North
side. Most angling is done here, but on the South side lies the infamous
fishing spot I was chasing. A section in the series companion book written
by Chris Yates seems to confirm this.
mystery fishing peg
Imagine my surprise
a few years later to discover that Frensham Small Pond was only a few miles
up the road from where I lived; so with camera in hand I went
to see if I could locate exactly where the scene was filmed and take a
few pictures so that any other interested individuals would have some idea
of where to look. My starting point was the video footage itself of the
fishing peg; its a very distinctive swim that lays between a gap in the
reeds and has the distinctive silver birch tree directly behind it. Using
this as my starting point I slowly took my time walking round the pond
noting possible locations; it became very apparent that the swim in question
is located at the South side of the pond, here there are several swims
that mirror the criteria. The North side of the pond (closest to the car
park area) is where the sand underfoot is the most apparent as it runs
straight down to the waters edge; according to the various people I spoke
to during my visits to the place this is the main area where anglers seem
to congregate, however its certainly not the spot I was looking for. The
following pictures (@ copyright Hugh Miles, Wild Wise Productions) are screen grabs
showing the scene in question:
Clue #1: The
crooked tree branch
The first clue is the distinctive silver birch
branch that curves in a distinct 'S' bend and behind it a smaller birch
tree with a similar, albeit smaller, shaped curved branch. There is also
evidence of a pathway directly behind our heroes; these clues offered a
good starting point. Thankfully the video footage also provides a good
shot of the swim:
Clue #2: The
three trunked tree
From this angle
it can be seen that the tree Chris Yates (man to the right) is leaning
on is the tree with the larger 'S' shaped curve from the earlier picture,
the tree to his left has three large trunks and the smaller curved branch
can be see better. The trunked tree was likely to offer a better location
pin pointer given its size, but clearly there are identifying elements
that can be searched for. As mentioned earlier, there are several swims/pegs
that have the distinctive gap in the reeds but it became pretty obvious
that only one matched everything perfectly. I think I've found Bob James'
peg and here are my findings:
The curly branch? That's it I hear
you cry! Well, erm no actually - my first impression was that I had found
the curly branch and I have to admit that I was pretty much convinced that
this was the branch you can see Chris Yates leaning against, but it wasn't
until I had a closer look that I discovered that things weren't quite what
they seem; a view from the rear of the tree showed some interesting developments...
The three trunked
tree? Now I'm convinced!
The three trunked tree is a dead giveaway particularly when you see the
swim behind it; there has been some changes over time as can be seen by
the 3rd trunk being trimmed down but probably the biggest change is the
fact that the tree that Chris Yates was leaning on has long since vanished,
only the remains of the stump can be seen on the right. Amazingly the smaller
curly branch seems to have survived the ravages of time! It's also interesting
to note that the waters edge has been dug backwards either intentionally
so or through erosion, therefore if you were thinking of recreating the
scene (complete with white wine maybe) then you'll get your feet wet these
the pegSo how do you find
it? Well, there are two direct ways of getting there and I've added some
pictures and details below, but essentially the routes are:
1) Northern
route: arrive at the main car park and go in through the entrance
to the right of the pond-keepers house, following the path (and ponds edge)
in an anti-clockwise fashion; and 2) Southern route: head
left from the car park past the pond-keepers house so that it brings you
to a path near the road side, this path will eventually lead you past a
sluice and stone wall heading clockwise towards the South side.
Route (1) is probably
the simplest way to get there if you haven't been before, and continuing
to follow the path round the pond will give you some idea of how to get
to the peg using route (2). The maps and Global Positioning System (GPS)
co-ordinates below should help:
Latitude: N 51º
09' 51.8"
Longitude: W 0º
46' 25.4" Rough
map of the peg location
Route (1): The
North side route (with pictures):
through the main entrance to the right
of the pond-keepers house, walk straight through and continue straight
on following the ponds edge in an anti-clockwise direction. This is a
walk round if you've time to spare and you get to see the pond in all
glory including the lovely sandy bank where day trippers and
dogs seem to congregate. It's supposedly quite a nice fishing point
it tends to be the first point of call for visitors so I'd avoid it
speaking of which Sundays seem to be incredibly popular with dog
runners and hikers - whoever said this was a secluded little gem needs
to rethink its description! Anyhow, if you follow this path you get
nice views and as you reach the start of the Northern side you'll pass
a wooden observation hut on your left hand side for bird watchers (note
as of 2010 this may be gone as it was in bad condition at the time of
the photographs), keep
following the path and the first peg you come across where the reeds
are cut is the Bob James peg (look for the three-trunked tree). Open
a bottle of wine and give a toast to our man Isaac Walton! A bit of trivia:
Isaac's grave is in Winchester Cathedral and well worth a visit given the
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The sandy bank on the Southern side, and (Right): the birdwatchers hut
Route (2): The
South side route (with pictures):
Once you reach the pond-keepers house,
keep heading left along the side of the road (be careful of cars here!)
and you should eventually see a path that takes you in the direction of
the sluice gate (at least that's what I'm calling it - probably isn't in
truth). Go past the sluice gate and the stone wall that you will eventually
reach and continue to follow the path in the direction of the ponds edge
(its a bit difficult to visualise where you are at times but keep heading
clockwise and you shouldn't really go to far adrift). Eventually you'll
stumble across the South side of the pond and you'll see a series of pegs
(three actually) cut into the reeds that resemble the one we're after.
The first peg on the Southern side is handily cristened 'Sir Henry'
thanks to a carving into a nearby tree, ignore this one and the next peg
that follows it - the very last peg that is cut into the reeds (or the
second after Sir Henry) is the Bob James peg (again, look for the three-trunked
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The 'sluice gate', and (Right): the stone wall
'Sir Henry' peg marker
The three peg locations
Irrespective of which route you happen
to take, its always worth a trip out to Fresham Small Pond as its a beautiful
little place in its own right. Now then, where did I leave my bottle opener....
_________________________________ Website
contents @ Aaron Littlefield