Angling ~
This page gives an insight into arguably my main
vice when I'm brave enough to put up with bad weather and sunburn...
I have been a piscator (read maggot drowner) since
I was a young boy, my first experiences of it spring back to Summer holidays
where I'd attempt to catch crabs at Aberystwyth harbour using fish heads
as bait, surprisingly it worked although I daren't touch the crabs! A little
while later Santa Claus very kindly brought me a DAM fishing kit featuring
a 10ft float rod, reel and assorted tackle. That float rod lasted me for
years, right up to my GCSE days until I accidentally stood on it and broke
the top section (ouch!), but it did me well and even survived a stint at
sea fishing...I still have the remnants of that rod tucked away somewhere.
My early coarse fishing days began on a commercial
fishpond called 'The Delves' in my then local town of Thorne. It
then (and still does) of two separate ponds, featuring the usual fare
fish - but I never really caught anything of great size although it did
me to the shock of seeing a pike when I optimistically tried to
the depths. Thankfully for either him or me, he fell off before he got
to the bank - but the sight of that fish (albeit a small 2-3lb jack
pike) intrigued me for years and I've never forgotten it - probably
because it scared the hell out of me at the time! The Delves
became my hunting ground
for the majority of my youth, sadly my biggest regret being that I
managed to catch a lovely green tench, and even today they still allude
It was the arrival of other friends eager to be
by the waters edge that got me to seek pastures new - and this time it
was the delights of the local canal banks. I learnt to grow attached to
Thorne canal in my later angling life; if one travels far from the beaten
path its possible to fish areas that are quiet and peaceful away from the
maddening crowd, sadly fishing with friends (at that age) often meant that
trips tended to venture into lunacy, for example: trying to crack holes
in the ice from which to fish (needless to say we never caught anything
other than pneumonia), friends smuggling bottles of rum and orange juice
in their tackle boxes, fishing hooks with floats and shot ending up in
every tree around us! Yes it was farcical at times, but we enjoyed every
minute and more often than not we'd catch something (albeit small perch
normally). A Silstar float rod (again 10ft) and a cheap glass-fibre
car boot special soon replaced my much loved and abused DAM rod, slowly
becoming the back bone of my equipment needs for much of my later angling
exploits during my GCSE years. However, once I reached 6th Form things
suddenly ground to a halt as my interests in academic pursuits, cars, guitars
and girls meant fishing was slowly forgotten
about as the pressures of being a student kicked in. Five years later during the tail end of my university
course the thought of angling returned, inspired mainly by reminiscent
conversations and rose-tinted articles in The Waterlog magazine
- leading me to question why I gave it up in the first place; I couldn't wait to
get back out there and escape from reality. So with the thought of relaxing
after the exams in my mind, I dusted off my tackle hidden at the rear of
the wardrobe and headed back to the waters edge. Friends I used to fish
with joined me later and for several happy months until I found employment
we fished the canal banks (and the Delves one more time) purely for the
fun of it. It's amazing how much you improve with time, I don't know whether
it was because I was being more methodical, more committed or simply more
relaxed but we all caught far bigger fish this time round (a nice fat perch
on my 25th birthday comes to mind). I also had a better rod this time,
again a Silstar but now 12ft - and yes ladies - size does make a difference!
Fishing during this period was joyous, being away from the pressures of
life with time on my hands is a memory I'll never forget, particularly
as it permitted me to revisit locations I hadn't fished since I was a boy
(including a spot that overlooked the house of my teenage crush). Happy
days indeed.
This reflective time in my life came slowly to
an end when I found employment in Hampshire, so for about two years the
rods remained packed up until one day I learnt of a private, secluded stretch
on the Blackwater river. Given some hastily scribbled instructions courtesy of the RAE Angling Society, I set
out one cold and frosty morning in pursuit of a farm in the middle of nowhere,
leading me through a horse field then a cow field until I found myself staring
at a swirling, steaming river. The canal never looked like this, it was spellbinding. I spent some
time there that morning in dumstruck awe before eventually dragging myself away
to defrost my feet and to fill in the membership card. Since then, I've
spent the vast majority of my angling fishing that river and finally, after
all these years, I'm catching big fish! Well, a 4lb chub and 5-6lb
barbel isn't bad for a small river...
always described myself purely as a pleasure
angler, I may have dabbled in friendly rivalry with friends in the past
but I've never been attracted to the concept of match angling, nor
would I ever class myself as being sufficiently skilled or gifted to
compete. For me personally, I just want to be by the waters edge
and let the world go by, which probably explains why I've also never
had a huge passion for concentrated fisheries. Whilst
I don't mind them necessarily, given that it offers more waters to fish
and attracts
members to angling, it does somewhat remove that certain 'romance'
- in the sense that it feels commercial as opposed to
personal. I'm at my most content sat by a small secluded
stretch of water using traditional techniques, without all the need
for multiple 'specialist' rods, electronic bite indicators,
tutti-frutti boilies, hair-rigs and the
what I've just said, I don't think you
ever stop learning as an angler - there are always new methods or
that you adopt along the way as your experience grows and your
of where and how to fish improves. The more traditional tried and
ways of angling are still in use and I don't see that ever changing,
only natural that technologies develop and new ideas come to fruition
there's nothing wrong with that. Fishing evolves as does
everything else, sadly however, although the traditional methods are
still popular the older
style of tackle largely isn't, vintage tackle is growing rapidly
due to either the rarity or the cost. Whilst I personally swear by
a centrepin reel for trotting on rivers
- to actually find a classic 'pin (such as an Allcocks Aerial) in good
can be horrendously expensive. Collectors of fishing memorabilia have
sadly driven the price of vintage tackle way beyond the reach of many
where the price of nostalgia just isn't worth the cost. But
I digress, at the end of the day it doesn't really matter what tackle
or techniques you use - what's important is that you are enjoying
yourself - as they say "there is more to fishing than catching fish".
I haven't found another pastime that provides me with such highs, such
lows, such thoughts and such feelings as angling, whilst for some the
idea of sitting on a cold canal bank is akin to punishment, for others
its a sheer delight - I'm with the latter :)
_________________________________ Website
contents @ Aaron Littlefield